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The AGM is Friday March 24 at 6:30 pm 


Location - Strathmore Ag Society - Remuda Building (enter the Ag Grounds from the Main entrance off of Wheatland Trail, there is lots of parking in front of the building, entrance is to the side of the building)


Please submit any rule changes by Thursday March 16th at 5 pm, please use this form for all New Rules, Changes, Clarifications, Deletions.  All Rule Changes need a seconder.  All proposed rule changes will be posted on this page for review by January 17th Proposed Rule Change Form


Director nominations need to be in by Thursday March 16th at 5 pm Please complete that attached form for any nominations for Directors positions, an email to the office from the nominee accepting the position is also required. Director Nomination Form



Please Note:  All directors are required to secure sponsorship for their events as well as the association.


Director Positions up for Election in 2023


1. President- (2 year term) – Nominations-Cal Jarvis

2. Vice President (2 Year term)– Nominations- Andy Hall

3. 2nd Vice President (1 Year term) - VACANT

4. Director At large (2 Year term) –  VACANT

5. Committee Director (2 year term)- Currently filled by Andy Hall

6. Timed Event Director (TR; TD; SW) (2 Year term) - VACANT

7. Ladies Barrel Racing Director (2 year term)- VACANT

8. Stock Contractor Director(2 year term)- VACANT




Rule Change Submitted by Dogpound Rodeo Committe - Trish McKean

Current Rule

Section Four; Item 5 Payoff; l.  Ground money from FCA rodeos will be split equally among qualifying of that event.  In the event there are no qualified rides/times the added purse $$ will be returned to the committee and EF will be retained by the FCA and added to the 5% account.

Proposed Change

In the event there are no qualified rides/times the added purse $$ will be retained by the FCA and put towards the FCA Finals payout for those events.


Rule changes submitted by the Rules Committee


Items Highlighted in RED are Remove;  Items Highlighted in Green are Additions






b. The fees are determined by the Board from time to time. The fees shall be set each year and published on the FCA Website. All members must participate in the Group Insurance Plan at a cost of $18 per member per season included in the fees. REMOVE

c. All minor event members must participate in the Group Insurance Plan at a cost of $18 per member per season included in the fees.  REMOVE A birth certificate must be presented to be eligible for a junior membership. The age of the contestant as on January 1 of the current year will be considered their age for the duration of that rodeo year.

1. Junior Barrel Racing age is 15 years and under

2. Junior Steer Riding age is 8 to 14 years

3. Junior Breakaway Male or Female 14 years & under

4. Junior Bull Riding 13 to 17 years

5. Novice Horse Riding 14-21 years

6. Pee Wee Barrel Racers 10 years & under

7. Junior Team Roping age is 15 years and under


f. No memberships will be processed on entry closing day, contestants must have a paid membership card prior to entering rodeo. Membership deadline is Monday at 4:00 pm change to 3 business days prior entry closing


p. Timers, judges, announcers, pickup men, bull fighters, contract acts and photographers working in the arena, must have a membership card to work at an FCA rodeo. The fee for this card will be set each year. These members must participate in the Group Insurance plan at a cost of $18 per member per season included in the fees


v. Gold Card (Honorary Membership) will be presented to every member who has completed twenty consecutive years of membership. Gold Cardholders need not buy an active card, but to be eligible to compete must participate in the Group Insurance Plan at the cost of $18.00 per season.


y. A contestant with a Full or Senior Membership cannot enter a junior event, even if they are of junior age. Junior members cannot enter a senior event, except the Team Roping and Senior Barrel Racing if there is no Junior Barrel Racing offered. Junior Members with a junior membership entering a senior event will not be eligible for the finals in that senior event.







c. Grievance Process:

1. After a charge is filed against any member for violation any rule, the accused shall be notified by Registered Mail Email. at the address appearing on the books of the Association of the charges

against them. Member will also be contacted by telephone to ensure member is aware of the reported infraction. The member must post a $500 cash bond to be able to compete until the Board of Directors hears their case. A hearing will be scheduled within three (3) weeks of the incident, at a time convenient for both parties, to give the member an opportunity to answer to the charges. Grievance Committee will hear the appeal and vote on the outcome. The result of the Grievance Committee decision and notice of suspension and/or fine will be mailed to the member by Registered Mail Email. When suspension or fine is imposed, member will be put on the Suspended List until suspension is over and fine is paid. Failure of the accused to appear at the time and place aforesaid (unless excused by the Board) or conviction after the hearing will may subject the accused to a suspension from membership for a period not to exceed one (1) year and a fine



1. A member tendering a check for payment of entry fees at an F.C.A. approved rodeo or as payment for accommodation in a town during the time an F.C.A. approved rodeo is being held and which is not honored by their bank, or a check tendered to the F.C.A., and which is sent to the F.C.A., shall be subject to the following fines, penalties and provisions:


c. Any member or permit holder may be disqualified, fined, suspended or all from the Association for any of the following offenses:


3. Failure to pay hotel/motel bills


g. Bareback riders who hang-up will may be fined $100.00 to be paid to the contractor. This fine is to be assessed by the judges and ratified by the board.



f. The F.C.A. Office must receive medical release within 5 3 days of being used or contestant is responsible for fees and turnout fines. Contestants will be allowed 3 different medical/vet releases in any one-year. Those having more than 3 will be liable for their fees or appear before the board.






f. Five dollars ($5.00) will be added to the Entry Fees per event per rodeo, including Full, Junior, Optional and Local entries, to be used for FCA Finals.



h. Any Rodeo with a performance or slack that is longer that last 4.5 hours, Judges will be paid by the Committee a minimum of $300.00 per Judge. Each performance or slack under 4.5 hours each Judges will be paid a minimum of $200.00



a. The F.C.A. has issued a pass to all the yearend saddle and buckle donors. This pass is good for free admission to any performance of any approved rodeo. The F.C.A. asks the co-operation of all the rodeo committees in seeing that these passes are honored. If a committee wishes, they may keep a record of how many of these passes are used at their rodeo, and the F.C.A. will reimburse them.





b. Any performance so postponed must be held within 24 hours of the approved dates of that rodeo, unless that rodeo is in an area where Sunday rodeos are contrary to religious beliefs or customs, or prevented by law, in which case the postponed performance must be held within 48 hours. However, Stock Contractor and committee Chairman will have the option of completing contests of postponed performances at their convenience within 24 hours, canceling the postponed performances.

c. Only that performance or section of slack, which had to be postponed, will be rescheduled.

d. If a rodeo is postponed for more than 24 hours, or in the case of a Sunday, 48 hours, the books shall be reopened and all contestants will be required to re-enter the re-scheduled rodeo.

e. If due to weather conditions, attendance at any rodeo is substantially reduced, then the members of the Association who have entered as contestants at any rodeo may appoint a committee of three of their members to negotiate with the management of the rodeo, which committee shall be empowered to agree to such reduction in day money as the circumstances warrant.

f. If for any reason a rodeo is postponed or cancelled, all contestants entered may count said rodeo as one (1) of the qualifying rodeos of the seven (7) mother + three (3) dual approved rodeos that they must attend to qualify for yearend finals.


8. FINALS (Regular season rodeo)




7. FINALS (Regular season rodeo)



a. One point shall be awarded for each dollar of prize money won by the member in approved events at approved rodeos.

b. Any point split not covered herein shall be set by the Board, if and when necessary.




c. Unless notified otherwise The entry dates and times will be posted on the FCA schedule (we do not take responsibility for incorrect information posted on other association websites).  There will be no phone in entries, all entries will be done via the Online Rodeo Management System. phone in entry times are from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 pm on the Monday (unless otherwise posted, there will be no entries if a Stat holiday falls on a Monday) the week prior to the rodeo, online entry opens one week prior to the final entry day. FCA rodeos will have an entry period of no less than 6 hours. Callback times are until 12 noon on Thursday following entry day (unless otherwise posted). Position Callback & Stock Callback will be posted on FCA Website, there will be no Phone Callback if there are errors or ommissions to the draw please email and we will look into the error.

s. Entries may not close more than ten (10) business days before the rodeo starts.




a. Stock contractors must hold stock contracting cards to contract stock at an F.C.A. Rodeo. Any individual or firm who did not hold a valid Stock Contractor membership in the preceding year, will not be issued a card in the current year until they have produced one (1) new F.C.A. Mother approved rodeo. The fee for this card will be set each year.


d. FCA Stock Contractor that have an idle year and do not produce any FCA mother Rodeos, must bring a new rodeo the following year to be able to purchase their Stock Contractor’s card. Rodeo Year will be January 1 - December 31.





m. No rodeos are required to have four judges. A rodeo is required to have at least 2 judges.



e. Flagman and barrier judges cannot rope, dog or haze in the events they flag judge

g. A judge other than the flag judge shall be present to read the time off the electric timer in the barrel racing.





e. All cinches must be at least 5 inches (5”) 8 inches (8”) wide



h. Rider will be disqualified for any of the following offenses: being bucked off, touching animal with free hand, using sharp spurs, touching animal with head, or fouling animal by holding gate.

n. Touching the animal with their head is not a disqualification.


7. NOVICE HORSE RIDING (Optional Event)

i. Novice Horse Riding stock for the Finals must be submitted by the FCA stock contractors and chosen by the top 6 in the NHR Event.


8. JUNIOR BULL RIDING (Optional Event)

a. Contestants must be 13-17 years old on January 1 of the current rodeo year. Contestants must hold a FCA Junior Bull Riding Membership or Full Membership. Junior Steer Rider card holders cannot compete in this event at the same rodeo they compete in the Steer Riding.


f. Junior Bull Riding stock for the Finals must be submitted by the FCA stock contractors and chosen by the top 6 in the Junior Bull Riding





a. All saddles will be stock saddles with no excessive alterations to standard Ranch saddle.

b. Rider must have rein hand on same side of the horses neck.

c. Contestant must spur the animal before they will be awarded a re-ride, at the judge’s discretion.

d. Only leather latigo will be used, No nylon.

e. No excessive tightening of cinch.

f. Stock contractor has say on Halter and Rein placement or use.

g. Points will be given ½ for animal ½ for contestant.

h. Points will be given for spurring and fanning with the contestants hat.

i. Halter must be plain with one rein.

j. Contestant can use free hand to hold saddle horn or night latch/rope.

k. Horses will be ridden for 8 seconds

l. Contestants must maintain possession of the rein with the original riding hand for the full duration of the eight seconds.

m. Contestant will be disqualified if they lose rein at any time during the eight seconds.

n. Contestant will be disqualified if at any time during the eight seconds they double grab the rein, saddle horn or night latch/rope.

o. Saddle and chaps shall be free of glue or any other sticky substances.





h. Any Junior Steer riders or Junior Barrel racers wishing to compete in open Team Roping may enter on their minor card however winnings will not count toward the FCA Finals.


t. Roper must dally to stop animal. No tied ropes allowed. Any team roping heeler over the age of 51 50 years may tie on hard and fast provided he/she has proper breakaway. Length of entire rope if tied on can be no shorter than 20”6”


11. JUNIOR TEAM ROPING(Optional Event)


a. Contestants who are fifteen (15) years of age or under as of January 1st of the current year.

b. There will be a twenty-five (25) second time limit in the team roping, 25 seconds does not include any barrier or field penalties. Example, if the run is 24 seconds plus a barrier, the qualified time shall read 34 seconds.

c. Barrier and timers rules as used in the team roping apply.

d. All other team roping rules apply.






a. Anyone supplying stock to an F.C.A. rodeo may submit a list of stock to be voted on for the F.C.A. finals providing they have produced one or more F.C.A. rodeos during the current season. Rough stock submitted to F.C.A. finals must be drawn twice during that season’s rodeos. To qualify stock for the FCA Finals animal can have one (1) trip at a FCA mother rodeo, 2nd trip can be at a co-approved rodeo (LRA/WRA/CRA/CCA). Non-bucked 1st or 2nd re-ride will count as one (1) trip. Stock Contractor must provide name of co-approved rodeo where stock made 2nd trip.

b. Sub-Contractors in the SB, BB, BR will be the responsibility of one of the Main Carded Stock Contractors, and their stock must be submitted for vote, by one of the main carded Stock Contractors to be considered.

c. Sub-Contractors in the NHR, Jr Bulls, Steer Riding can be submitted for vote, under their own membership name. Sub-Contractors can and will be fined just like any other member for rule infractions. ** This applies to owners of Lease

d. At the FCA Finals Stock Draw, re-rides will be designated not drawn for. 1st & 2nd round re-rides will go into draw for the 3rd & 4th rounds and new re-rides be designated.

e. Best bucking stock of the finals will be voted on after the finals before that event is over.

f. In the case of a tie at the finals a ride off or a run off will be held.

g. Anyone competing in the F.C.A. finals rodeo in any event cannot judge that rodeo.

h. The stock lists for the finals rodeo shall be submitted by FCA Stock Contractors for each event and then a selection committee of the top 10 contestants in the major events & top 6 in the NHR and Jr. Bull Riding will select the stock in that event

i. When finals stock lists are submitted the contractors must send a letter of commitment with respect to selected animals at a set price and they must get in touch with the event director about any substitutions that will be made.

j. Finals contestants shall vote on the judges for the finals. The pickup men will be selected by the Saddle Bronc and Bareback riders. The bullfighters will be selected by the Bull Riders and Steer Riders. Any pickup men or bull fighters chosen to work at the FCA Finals must have worked 1 (one) FCA rodeo during the current year. Any ballots sent out to vote on finals personnel, stock, etc., must be signed when returned to the F.C.A. Office. To have name on the ballot the personnel must have purchased their membership prior to working their first rodeo.

k. The F.C.A. Champion will be decided at the Sudden Death Finals.

1. FCA Championships will be determined by the total number of points won at the Sudden Death Finals Rodeo in each of the following events: Saddle Bronc, Bareback, Bull Riding, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down Roping, Ladies Barrel Race, Team Roping, Junior Steer Riding, Junior Barrel Race, Junior Bull Riding, Novice Horse Riding.

l. The F.C.A. Board of Directors shall be allowed to use the 5% account to boost the finals at their discretion.

m. The F.C.A. will have a four man judging system at the F.C.A. finals. To qualify to judge the FCA Finals, judge must work 2 FCA mother rodeos in that season and be a current member in good standing.

n. Any member qualified for the F.C.A. finals must withdraw by stock selection meeting or they will be levied a fine found suitable by the directorship.

o. Any stock contractor or any person submitting a list of stock and given the opportunity to supply stock to the F.C.A. finals will not be allowed to submit a stock list for 3 years, if they withdraw from bringing stock after the stock selection meeting.

p. To Qualify for the FCA Finals in All Events, except roughstock, Contestants must have entered and competed in that event, at a minimum of 10 Rodeos during the season, 50% (to a maximum of 7) of those rodeos must be FCA "Mother" sanctioned rodeos (in Roughstock only 5 Mother Rodeos are needed to make the finals). In the case where a rodeo is not formally approved by the FCA 6 weeks prior to the date of entries the board will adjust the rodeo count accordingly in favor of the contestant. If said rodeo is subsequently approved by the board then it will still count as a mother sanctioned rodeo in the contestants count.

q. At the FCA Finals in the Timed Events (except Ladies & Junior Barrel Racing), contestants will compete as 10th place coming into finals to 1st place in all first 3 go-rounds. In the LBR and JBR season leaders will go 1st in the 1st performance then roll 4 places each for 2nd and 3rd performances. Last performance in all events will go according to points earned in first 3 performances.

r. Any Finalist that does not fulfill the 10 rodeo rule Finals qualification, but is invited to compete in the Finals, cannot win the Finals Championship.

s. The fine for not attending the Finals General Meeting will be one hundred dollars ($100). This meeting is mandatory for all finalists at each FCA Finals rodeo, including Junior Members.

t. MEDICAL EXEMPTION: A member may request a Medical Exemption for the FCA Finals, all the following must apply:

1. have earnings enough to qualify through standings, but due to medical reasons was unable to compete at the required number of rodeos,

2. have competed in 50% of approved rodeos up time of injury,

3. provide FCA office with proper documentation-medical to indicate when injury occurred and medical indicating when member is able to compete again,

4. have FCA board approval.

u. The FCA Board of Directors & FCA Finals Committee will choose the Finals Production Team for each annual FCA Finals. Finals Production Team consists of: Timers, Arena Directors, Announcer, VIP Manager, Chute Boss for Roughstock and Timed Events, Rodeo Secretary, Rodeo Office Personnel, Stock Boss, Rodeo Clown, Specialty Acts and Photographer. Bids will be taken each year for Announcer, Rodeo Clown, Specialty Acts and Photographer.


2. Turning Out Finals Stock

a. If a contestant fails to notify the secretary before the draw is made that they will not be available to compete in the finals and the final stock is drawn for, they will be assessed a fifty dollar ($50) fine. This needs to be higher






1. Trophy Awards and Donors

a. Season Leader Awards will be given to the contestants having the most points won in the Association’s Standings at the year-end in each of the seven major events (SB,BB,BR,CR,SW,TR,LBR) plus JBR, BSR, NHR, BBR and the All Around & have fulfilled the Rodeo Count for that year. The year-end Season Leader will receive a saddle (in optional events if sponsorship permits, Optional Events are: Novice Horse Riding, Junior Bull Riding, Pee Wee Barrels, Breakaway Roping), the Sudden Death Finals Champion will receive a buckle.

b. Season Leader Award Donors and Finals Buckle donors donors shall receive tickets to the finals rodeo.

c. Year-end award winners must be paid up and in good standing with the F.C.A. or they won’t receive their award. Donor has the right to present the award to the runner-up or hold it over until the next year.

d. Any contestant winning a year-end trophy is expected to be at the presentation. If he/she is not present without a legitimate excuse, donor has the right to present the award to the runner-up or hold it over until the next year. Each trophy award winner is expected to show their appreciation by written thanks to the donor.

e. The F.C.A. will pay for awards in all Major events & Jr. Steer Riding & Jr. Barrel Racing if sponsorship is not available.

f. The F.C.A. will award finals buckles in all events, but will not pay for any year-end runner-up awards.

g. Before a year-end trophy is put up by the F.C.A. for any event there must be four approved F.C.A. rodeos holding that approved event.

h. F.C.A. Awards and Trophies and those approved by the F.C.A. will be the only ones presented at the annual banquet and trophy presentation.




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