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How to Enter an FCA Rodeo

Order of Slack at All Rodeos

TD/SW/TR/LBR/JBR (if there is BAW it will follow TD and PWB follows JBR)

ALL FINES MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO ENTERING A RODEO - If you have fines with any of the other rodeo associations you will not be allowed to enter.  You must clear up your fines prior to entry

Memberships will not be processed on the day of phone in entries! You must purchase your membership prior to phoning in.  They need to be submitted by 12:00 on Friday prior to phone entries

A few things to consider when entering a rodeo:

  1. The office needs to fill the performances in all events before a slack will be considered in that event.

  2. If you enter for 2 full performances you may end up in slack.  There is only room in the performances for a certain number of competitors and the Committees have some locals that will get a performance.

  3. Our Rodeo Committees determine how many people they will take in a performance.

  4. If you enter for slack you will receive a better draw in the slack.  The barrel racers will be drawn in the top and the other timed events at the bottom.

  5. We do not take in to consideration Jackpots and non sanctioned Rodeos when doing the draw, we can only do our best with the co-approved rodeos on our schedule.

Buddy Groups – A buddy group includes up to a total of four (4) people. All members of the buddy group must go to the same number of rodeos but the lowest priority still affects the whole group. Example: If three people in the group go to 3 rodeos  and your 4th person is only going to one that will bring your priority down and you may not receive the day you asked for at the FCA rodeo. Timed Event entries if you normally don’t travel with roughstock, you can’t buddy with them just to get a performance.

Rodeo Barrel Racing Duties

1. Last three (3) ladies and last two (2) juniors in each performance/slack must:
  • Check markers with a judge one (1) hour before performance/slack
  • Set up timers, take “readout box” to Announcer stand
    Make sure Barrel Covers are on barrels (separate covers for LBR&JBR)
2. First three (3) ladies in each performance/slack must:
  • Take timer down, get readout box from announcers stand & put away in case
  • Collect all tapes, markers, hammers, etc. and put in Barrel Marking bag
  • Collect both sets of Barrel Covers and put in Barrel Cover bag– put with Banner bag for judges to take to next rodeo.


If you are not able to perform you duties it is your responsibility to find a replacement to do your duties & sign the sheet for you. If your name is not the Measurement sheet, or we can’t read your name/signature YOU WILL BE FINED.
Barrel Representative Duties
Mark barrel pattern minimum two (2) hours prior to first performance/slack. Official pattern sheet must be given to the Judge(s) to check one(1) hour prior to each performance/slack.
You can request a blank measurement sheet from the office or the Rodeo Secretary at each rodeo will have one.

Barrel Racing Pattern Marking Guidelines

To eliminate discrepancies when marking the pattern ensure:
  • all measurements are recorded as accurately as possible– ie: tight tapes, start at zero, write measurements down correctly on Official sheet.)
  • record color of markers, flag or spray paint so others are not confused
  • Box the Eye– see reverse for reference chart for distances between first barrels & score line
  • if you use measurements outside the chart the formula for boxing the eye is: x + y
  • Barrels must be a minimum of 20 feet off all fences outdoors and 15 feet off all fences indoors. 
  • Stopping Distance: Open gate = 30 feet------ Closed gate = 35 feet

How To Enter
Member Forms

Membership Forms - 2024 Membership Form

New members wishing to write cheques must have the Letter of Guarantee completed by a member in good standing and have it sent in with your membership. Otherwise you will be required to prepay your rodeo entry fees or pay cash for the year. See How to Enter an FCA Rodeo for more information on how to prepay.


Please email completed & signed forms to  Completed forms with Cheques/Money Order can be mailed to Box 47103 RPO Creekside, Calgary, AB T3P 0B9


Forms must be completed in full and signed before membership can be processed.

Our membership cards have pictures on them, if we don't have a picture from prior years you will need to send in a picture for your card before your membership will be processed.  If you wish to have a updated picture from prior year please send in a new picture with your membership

PLEASE NOTE: Memberships must be received by 9 am prior Friday to entries closing. NO MEMBERSHIP WILL BE PROCESSED ON FINAL ENTRY DAY - There is only one person that works in the office and it takes a bit of time to get memberships processed.  If you send them in on the weekend they may not be processed until after entries close on Monday.


Would you like to save time at the Rodeos and not have to stand in line to pay your fees?


The FCA has three options for pre-paying your Entry Fees

  • Etransfer – just need to specify in the comments field which Rodeo the fees are for.

  • Stripe – you will be given this option when you get your email confirmation back after your enter, there will be a link for you to pay

  • Credit Card – if you would like to get points on your credit card we will take CC payments, you MUST complete this authorization form for the office to have on file and we will automatically bill your Entry Fees to your CC each week you enter.  Credit Card Authorization Form


Rule Book

Rule Book
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